All equipment should be based on expressed needs articulated and requested
by the management of St. Jude Hospital.
Donations of medical equipment or other related equipment should always be
sent with the prior knowledge and consent of the management of St. Jude
Donors must obtain information on the voltage used at the Hospital before
shipping equipment using electricity.
After arriving in St. Lucia, all donated equipment should have a useful life
of at least two years. Exceptions could be made if the donor organization
and St. Jude Hospital determines that the equipment to be received could be
utilized in the short term until a more permanent arrangement for similar
equipment is put in place.
Each piece of donated equipment should have labels in English and easily
understood by hospital personnel. The equipment should have the appropriate
installation, operation/instruction, maintenance, repair manuals and
diagrams. Other information such as serial number and name of manufacturer
is also required.
Donated equipment should be packed in accordance with international shipping
regulations and be accompanied by a detailed packing list which specifies
the contents of each numbered carton by quantity, serial number, weight and
any special storage conditions.
The value of the equipment donated or an estimate must be provided for
Customs clearance. A comprehensive packing list must be submitted.
All donated equipment should be obtained from a reliable source and comply
with quality standards in both the donor country and St. Lucia.
Donated equipment must be functional.
Costs of international and local transport, warehousing, port clearance and
appropriate storage and handling should be paid by the donor agency, unless
specially agreed by the management of St. Jude Hospital in advance.